Healthy Housing in Marlborough
We believe that quality, affordable, safe housing is critical to a healthy community. Driven by a Housing Task Force, the Coalition works to support homeowners and landlords to maintain and improve the quality of the houses and apartments in Marlborough while maintaining a mixed income, racially diverse community.
Here are programs we’ve worked to create, designed to support affordable homeownership, renovation and upkeep within the MCC area. We also share resource information including home repair assistance, tenants’ rights, sidewalk repairs, codes, and zoning.
Eastside Urban Renewal Area (URA)
The Urban Renewal Area is something residents can take advantage of when renovating homes or making significant home improvements to properties within the Marlborough Boundary and east of Troost. Property taxes can be frozen for 10 years with $5,000 of qualifying improvements. More information here, or call 816.221.0636
Land Trust Program
We formed the Marlborough Community Land Trust which evolved into a separate organization, the Kansas City Community Land Trust. This program helps to make housing affordable in the Marlborough area. More information here
Legal Aid of Western Missouri formed the Adopt-A-Neighborhood program modeled off of the working relationship that Stinson LLP had with the Marlborough Community Coalition. This program makes use of the Missouri Abandoned Housing Act, The Homesteading Act, and the Nuisance Property Act to hold private property owners accountable for long-vacant and nuisance properties. More information here
Missouri Property Tax Credit
Eligible seniors or persons with qualifying disabilities may receive a rebate on their paid real estate taxes. More information here
For Tenants
Healthy Housing
KCMO Healthy Homes
The Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program provides regulations for minimum health and safety standards in rental housing in Kansas City, MO.
A tenant with a rental agreement of more than 30 days experiencing health or safety issues in a house or apartment can request an inspection. This program does not apply to HUD tenants, either voucher or public.
There are no fees or rent increases associated with filing a complaint. Report any retaliation. If retaliation occurs, landlords jeopardize their ability to have a permit for the rental unit.
To file a complaint, call the City’s Action Center (311), call the Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program (816.513.6347), or walk-in at the Program office located at 2400 Troost Ave, Suite 3600. The complaint may be filed anonymously. Within 48 hours an inspector will be assigned to visit.
No action taken by the city against landlords will terminate a tenant's lease contract. If you have been evicted, the inspection cannot occur until after the court process is complete. More information here
KC Tenants
Kansas City Tenants (KC Tenants) is an organization led by a multiracial, multigenerational base of tenants in Kansas City. KC Tenants advocates and organizes to ensure that everyone in Kansas City has a safe, accessible, and truly affordable home. More information here , or call 816.533.5435
Kansas City Tenant University
Sponsored by Kansas City’s Neighborhood and Housing Services Department, this program offers 1-hour online workshops dedicated to tenants rights and responsibilities and specific city laws that are important for tenants to be aware of. The workshops are available on YouTube. More information here, or call 816.513.9054
For Tenants
Becoming a Homeowner
The KCCLT is developing affordable homeownership opportunities in Marlborough for first time homeowners meeting income guidelines based on family size. The KCCLT has both remodeled and newly constructed homes for sale. More information here , or call 816.866.6279
CHES, Inc.
Helps renters become homeowners. They offer HUD-approved Online Homebuyer Education classes, one-on-one credit counseling, mortgage assistance, down payment assistance, and a host of other useful courses to help you get a house and keep it. More information here , or call 816.533.7417
Building Community
Block Ambassadors
Neighborhood Block Ambassadors
Ambassadors connect people on their block in a way that works for their neighbors. They:
Share information about community events and ways to become involved in the revitalization efforts of the Coalition
Make connections with and among neighbors so they can look out for the welfare of each other, the safety of children playing outside, and the protection of everyone’s property
Plan, or recruit a group of neighbors to plan, activities such as block parties or walking groups to build connections between neighbors
The Coalition provides information and support to Block Ambassadors throughout the year including periodic meetings.